Earth Caravan 2015(アースキャラバン 2015)

HOME > 世界18カ国のミュージシャンが16の言語で歌う「SHARE!」





Musician version

Musicians Profile

松本 優子
Yuko Matsumoto
(vocals, piano, shamisen)



矢野 司空
Shiku Yano







Musician version

Amateur version

Musicians Profile

Lynette Margulies

Lynette Margulies is not just a "jazz singer". She incorporates the feels of soul, rhythm & blues, gospel, folk and jazz in her vocalizations. Margulies makes her home in Madison, Wisconsin and since 1979 plays frequently with Jane Reynolds in a duo known as "Two For The Road". She has performed around the world including New York, Chicago, and Vienna, Austria.
Lynette has participated in several conferences, workshops, classes and retreats involving the human healing process. From working and learning about the ancient sacred instruments of the Himalayas, to binaural frequency healing of the brain and consequently the rest of the body, mind and soul, she has constantly sought after ways to help herself, and more importantly others, in their healing journeys. Her presentations through music, drama, teaching or heart sharing have enabled Margulies to offer an obvious interconnectedness between her and others and the rest of the Universe.

Joe Wickham (Guitar) Randal Haririson (Violin) Mike Rafferty (Sound) Coordinated by Deborah Bachmann


It was an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this valiant and beautiful project. I hope the song, and it's message, travels throughout the world. (Lynette Margulies)


Musician version

Amateur version

Musicians Profile

Karine St-Pierre
(lead vocals)

Karine St-Pierre resides with her partner and new born baby boy in the town of Sutton, Quebec. She has a passion for singing soulful inspiring songs and for creating music. She performs from time to time at the local concert locale where she sings with friends and also as part of a choir.

Moksha Sommer (backup vocals) Jemal Wade Hines (guitar) Jaques Gravel (guitar) Danny Brown (guitar and mandolin) Joffrey Corboz (guitar)


It was a great experience to record the Earth Caravan song. We were a great team. I'm really happy to have been able to participate in a project like this, that is trying to bring peace in the world. That's huge!


Musician version

Musicians Profile

Elementary School

Coordinated by Camilo Huang Produced by Gloria Chu



Musician version

Musicians Profile

Juan Alberto

Juan Alberto was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. He studied at the conservatory in that city. He has sung with opera singers of the height of Alfredo Kraus. His singing studies have been developed in Italy with the italian mezzosoprano Bianca Berini and with the Russian professor of the conservatory of St. Petersburg, Anatoli Goussev. Juan Alberto has sung in several countries. Since he was very young he has had musical talent and initiative towards singing, currently expressed in this musical composition shown in the CD.

Ayako Fujiki (Piano)


It has been a honor and a big challenge because it brings to build up a better inner and to share with others which is wonderful. ¡Viva la Revolución del Corazón!


Musician version

Musicians Profile

Mama's Monent Musical

バイオリン、ピアノ、パーカッションに、伽耶琴などの民族楽器をコラボさせ、アジア色豊かなサウンドで独自の世界を創る。CDアルバム「Asian Rain」は、内外のテレビやラジオでオンエアーされ、各地でライブ活動をしています。

乖真珠 Bae Jin-Ju(Vocals & Piano) 成麗 Cheong Seong-Ryeo(Violin) 
金慶子 Gim Gyong-Ja(Kayaguem) 金清子 Gim Cheong-Ja(Percussion & chorus) 李相大 Lee Sang-Dae(Bass & chorus)




Musician version

Musicians Profile

Maher Deeba



Musician version

Musician version

Musicians Profile

Amani Busimaba Byamungu
Lydie Bitege Sinunu
Gloria Tusifu Mutuzo
Eugenie Dushimirimana
Prossy Louise Hategeka
Yvonne Nyirahabineza
Alivera Mukandinda
Mac Arthur Ntashamaje

Emmanuel Cyubahiro Imanishimwe (translation) Timothee Sinamenye B (chorus) Girinshuti Germain Elisabeth Madamagire Assumapta Dusabimana

Musicians Profile

Mani Martin




Musician version

Musicians Profile

Ashok Jain Manthan
(lead vocals)

Ashok Jain "Manthan" is a revolutionary poet, thinker, actor, and social engineer, with a commitment to catalyze the awakening needed to spread humanity & peace on the planet and in his own native country, India. He is the founder of 'Manav Manthan,' churning of human consciousness to higher states of awareness, the ex general secretary of Yogdhara, an organization for writers and poets and Triveni, a theater group. He is affiliated with All India Radio, Udaipur, as an artist & poet.

Samarth Janve, Ashok Jain & Vineet Chobisa (vocals) The music engineer: Samarth Janve
Instrumentalists: Samarth Janve & Vineet Chobisa Song Translator: Ashok Jain Manthan
Produced by : Ashok Jain Manthan Coordinated by : Rita kubiak
A special vote of thanks to :Shri Gauri Shankar Sharma(music composer & vocalist ) for his advice and support in developing
the Hindi version of 'Share'.


I am deeply touched by the Earth Caravan Project initiated by Master Ryokyu Endo, and its effort towards conflict resolution in the Gaza strip, and world peace.
When my good friend, Ms Rita Dixit Kubiak, introduced me to Endo's mission and his theme song for it, 'Share Earth Happiness and Freedom,' with a request to translate it into Hindi, I immediately agreed. The lyrics fascinated me. Share the Earth is a love song that invites human beings to live peaceably on a planet that is borderless when viewed from above. It is a song of healing that resonates with me. I gave my best efforts to translate it, and feel delighted that everyone feels the translation does justice to the original.
All those who came forward to help with the Hindi version of Share the Earth song were equally touched by it and the Earth Caravan mission. I am grateful to many for their help and support over its rendition. Music composer & vocalist Sri Samarth Janve arranged the background music. He, musician and vocalist Sri
Vineet Chaubisa and I are the voices for the song.
It is my sincerest hope that Share the Earth in all its versions becomes landmark in furthering peace within human society and on this exquisite planet.


Musician version

Musicians Profile

(Vocals & Instrumentals)

Coordinated by Ayako Oguri



Musician version

Amateur version

Musicians Profile

Martina Janitsch

Martina Janitsch is an accomplished Austrian singer, she is passionate mother of two children and her persistent work in the field of clerical music and liturgy is priceless. Since she was a teenager she has been singing and training in various choirs, diligently coordinating concerts, services and parish projects - being there whenever needed coming first and going last.

Lea Katharina Holzer
Eva Mundprecht
Mirjam Schmitzhofer
(children voices)

Austrian Gospel choir
Karin Rueggeberg

Founded in 2010 by a couple of medical doctors the choir developed quickly into a wonderful group of curious and energetic singers. Although they say about themselves that their singing is more therapeutic than professional they are well known in Austria for their lovely and unconventional approach to pop and gospel music and are asked to perform at many concerts and events. Their wish and intention is to bring together people as music is the language of our heart.

Jordi Rosen (accordion) Kevin Jardine (recording engineer)


It´s the spirit of Jesus Christ that is living in everything. It just feels good to do things worth doing - it´s important for me not to think always what will I receive for this - how much will I gain by that.. All our talents - we have received to share them - that others can enjoy and be happy.(Martina Janitsch)

It was so much fun. We want everybody to be happy, when you hear this song.We wish that everybody can always be together with those people whom we love. (Lea Katharina Holzer, Eva Mundprecht, Mirjam Schmitzhofer)

We are very happy and grateful to be allowed to be part of this song. Like Joseph Haydn (1732- 1809) the composer of the famous music The Creation said, "this language is understood everywhere in the world." - we need to find words and ways of living that let us grow and be happy. This Song and its project Earth Caravan "is understood everywhere in the world". This CD has brought together nations, children, grown-ups, people of different religions, professions and attitudes. Singing this song we feel the seed of hope and peace we wish for. We feel how strongly we are connected and that we all have the strength to change things.
Our wish is that the way of our hearts - music, arts, thinking, moving something, peace and volunteer work, nature, caring for animals count as much in daily life as physical money. We all can change this attitude and be more relaxed and healthier through this.(Austrian Gospel choir


Musician version

Musicians Profile

Idan Elad
Sarit Vinu Elad
Yali Vinu Elad
(lead vocals)
Joy Vinu Elad


Idan Elad (instrumentals) Filming Nesh Bruic Video Itay Mayer



Musician version

Musicians Profile

Pasirat Krajangpit Pucco

Pucco is a professional singer and song writer,, an artist, and voice teacher.

(Produce, and Thai Marinba)

Baristascore, also known as Sothorn Chudpimai is song writer, folk musician, and music producer.

Yuka (piano) Botch (guitar) Produced by Sothorn Chudpimai



Musician version

Musicians Profile

Athenla Rakhine

Athenla Rakhine has been a musician since 2003. He is a professional keyboard player & singer.
He performs at wedding ceremonies and parties. Athenla has been working at a radio station in Cox's bazar for 6 years. He also teaches children who are interested in pursuing music in their lives.

Instrumentals: Bayan, Nobi, Carlos,


I am very proud to be sharing my music and being part of the caravan project.
And will be making good friends & a good life in the future.


Musician version

Musicians Profile

Zhanna Zinchenko






Musician version

Musicians Profile

Bashir Faramarzi
(vocals and santuor)

Bashir Faramarzi is an Iranian musician, ethnomusicologist and santour player. He was born in 1982 in Mashhad, Iran, and currently lives in Montréal, Canada.
He graduated in 2006 from the University of Tehran, faculty of fine arts, where he studied interpretation of Iranian music. In 2010,
Bashir received MA degree in musicology from the University of ParisVIII.
He has performed live concerts with several bands in Europe, Turkey, Iran and Canada.
Bahir has also been teaching Iranian music for more than ten years. Currently, he plays and composes for stân Music Ensemble, which he founded in 2013 in Montréal with Saeed Kamjoo and Kouhyar Babaeian. stân ensemble is currently working on a new album called Qazalvâreh, which will be published in summer 2015.



This great project, Earth Caravan gives us hope that love is not forgotten in the world.


Musician version

Musicians Profile

Micka Scene
(vocals and guitar)






Musician version

Amateur version

Musicians Profile

Charlie Cannon
(lead vocal)
Charile's Gospel Angels
(choir vocals)

singer.from Alabama (USA), he loves rlythm'n blues, soul and gospel. He partecipated at international tours of Milva, Renato Zero e Zucchero, and partecipated as singer at last europe tour of Platters.
He worked with some conductors of orchestra like Trovaioli, Ortolani, Camfora, Pisano and Ferrio.
Author and composer, he wrote passages for international artists(Mike Francio, Amy Stewart).
His first CD "Charlie Cannon Roots-1" had remarkable success and recently single "Fallin' in love" published.He partecipated at Sanremo Festival 1993 and many years he worked many transmissions television of RAI . His live show is the mix music of easy listening,soul,rhythm & blues and dance music '70.



The theme song of Earth Caravan is simple and direct. The messege is clear and elegant. The idea for diffusing this into the world is full of courage. I’m proud to join in this action.